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This year the Blue Quill Community League is installing a Pilot Garden in Spring 2021!

The pilot garden is a temporary installation to provide residents access to garden space while we obtain permits and secure funding for our permanent garden project. The garden will run from May to September 2021 and will be located adjacent to the community hall at 11304 – 25 Avenue NW, north of the parking lot, and south of the sports field perimeter.

The garden will consist of 15 felt garden bags (36″ diameter) filled with quality garden soil, two water storage tanks, and various signs within the garden site.
The City has not yet announced whether it will offer a Pop Up Garden Program again this summer but when it becomes available, we will submit a request for a temporary garden installation in Skyrattler Park as well.
We want to ensure that residents are aware of our plans and have opportunities to ask questions and that their concerns are met. Please send us your feedback by filling out this short questionnaire. You can also contact us by email at garden@bqcl.org.