blue quill programs are 100% volunteer run
The Blue Quill Community League is a not-for-profit organization that relies on volunteers to help run our social events and activities. We are always looking for volunteers to help run our events and keep the community league alive and functioning. Please see volunteer opportunities below.
Thank-you to all of our volunteers who have dedicated their time over the years. We couldn’t do this without you!
volunteer opportunities
casino volunteers – May 24th and 25th, 2020
- Volunteers needed for upcoming casino in May 24th and 25th, 2020. Please contact Kathryn in the BQCL office at (780) 438-3366 or via email bqcladmin@bqcl.org .
- Coaches and Assistant Coaches: Soccer couldn’t happen without these dedicated parents! Never coached before or want to brush up on some skills? EMSA offers 3 hour courses at all age levels and BQCL will reimburse your course fee with a receipt.
- Registration Volunteers: Get your volunteer duty completed before the outdoor season starts by helping with our on-site payment sessions (Saturday, Feb 2nd, 2019, 9am-12pm and Wednesday, Feb 13th, 7pm)
- Year End Soccer Party: Many helping hands are needed from flipping burgers and face painting to site cleanup and activity supervision.
For questions or more information, please email soccer@bqcl.org.
interested in becoming a BQCL board member?
- The Blue Quill Community league is run by an executive board of volunteer directors. These volunteers ensure the BQCL hall and grounds are maintained and also plan and run all BQ programs and social events.
- Please check out the executive board directory to see a list of board positions and which ones are currently vacant.
- If you would like to learn more about getting involved and what each position entails, please email our BQ president at president@bqcl.org.