By Jennifer Rice, City Councillor for Edmonton Ward Ipiihkoohkanipiaohtsi

I am pleased to share some of the recent efforts I made as your City Councillor to improve the lives of our seniors in our community along with some other updates.
Snow clearing. With winter in full swing, I pushed for action from the City to provide better snow-clearing services for our seniors and those with mobility restrictions. I understand the challenges that come with winter weather and believe that our seniors should not have to worry about clearing snow or navigating slippery sidewalks.
Access to recreation centres. To support health and well-being, I have been advocating for better access to City-owned recreation centres for our seniors, including discounted rates, as I believe that staying active is crucial to maintaining good physical and mental health. City’s administration is now developing a seniors’ discount rate for non-peak times at city-owned recreation centres, including walking tracks.
Affordability. I have also been working hard to help seniors save on their property taxes. Many of our long-time residents are on fixed incomes, and from my perspective, it is important that they are not burdened with excessive property taxes.
Bylaw for noisy vehicles. In February 2023, City Council passed a ‘noisy vehicles’ bylaw. I supported this bylaw as many of our ward constituents complained about there being too many noisy vehicles, especially late at night.
Alcohol consumption program. Due to concerns I heard from the public, at a Council committee, I voted against allowing alcohol consumption in city parks.
Zoning bylaw renewal and district planning. I am working with the city administration to organize an open house event to provide our ward residents with an opportunity to learn about these topics and engage in these discussions. Feel free to send me an email if you would like to be added to my email list for this and other event updates.
Coffee meet-and-greet. I recently had the pleasure of meeting some of you at my February coffee meet-and-greet events. I truly value your input and will continue to work hard to represent your interests. If you were unable to attend the February events, there will be another meet and greet on March 23rd from 4:30 pm to 6 pm at the McDonald’s at 28 James Mowatt Drive. This is another great opportunity to chat and get to know each other better. Hope to see you there!
My lines of communication are always open. My email is and my phone number is 780-496-1164. Feel free to reach out to me anytime. Your feedback is a key factor that helps guide my decisions. If you are on social media, you can also follow me on Instagram and Facebook @JenniferRiceYEG where I share updates.