blue quill community pop-up gardens!
To help support access to fresh food and ease the worry of food security for many, the City of Edmonton is installing several temporary pop-up community gardens across the City this summer.
We’re excited that two Pop Up Gardens will be assembled in our community by mid- June! One Pop Up Garden will be located at the BQCL Hall, north of the parking lot; the second garden site will be located in the southeast corner of Skyrattler Park. The garden beds are designed for growing edible plants only, and will be arranged by the City to create a safe and spacious area that enables physical distancing.
Gardeners will provide their own plants and/or seeds, disinfecting products, gardening equipment and tools.
The City will remove the temporary planters once gardeners harvest their vegetables in the fall. To help give back to the community, gardeners are encouraged to donate what they are able to any local food bank or charitable organization.
pop-up gardener’s rules and guidelines
The Blue Quill Community Pop Up Gardens provide a safe and healthy space to garden. The Garden Committee is responsible for overseeing and monitoring pop-up gardening sites at BQCL Hall and Skyrattler Park this summer. All Pop Up Gardeners at these two sites are expected to comply with our Gardener’s Rules and Guidelines. Click here to read more.
Keep up to date on our webpage and follow our progress on our Blue Quill Community Garden Facebook Page!
If you would like more information on the project please contact Wanda at garden@bqcl.org.