Blue Quill Community League is pleased to present a big bin event on October 3, 2021 from 12PM to 3PM!
Just show your membership and you can dump for FREE! If you don’t have one then feel free to pick one up or you can pay $10 for non-members.
The following items are not allowed:
- Light Bulbs
- Ballasts from light fixtures
- Chemicals, Pesticides, Herbicides
- Flammable or Combustible Materials
- Paint Cans or Oil Cans
- Freon or Coolant (No fridges, AC units, water coolers, freezers)
- Material with Asbestos
- Propane Tanks, Batteries or Tires
- Biological Waste
- Animal Carcasses
- Grass, Straw, Hay, Loose Leaves
- Railway Ties
- Mattresses
- Food Waste – Contact Office
- Yard Waste – Contact Office
- Dirt or Concrete
FIND Edmonton will also be on-site accepting donations!
IF you have any questions or need more information, please email social@bqcl.org