The Blue Quill Community League would like to let you know that we have opened the outdoor rinks a
little ahead of schedule!

We’ve been working hard since the heat wave ended 2 weeks ago to lay down some H20! Right now, we are happy to say that we have about a 3/4″-1″ base across both rinks and the ice is quite skateable if a little uneven in places. We’ve pulled out the hockey nets too, so we’re good to go for some shinny! Soon, we’ll open the shack! Please see our web post about the rules that must be followed in order to keep our shack open!
For now, in order to give us extra time to build up our ice base, we’re opening with the following minimized lighting schedule:
- Lights on: 4:45pm
- Light off: 8:30pm
This gives our ice-guys more time to flood and maintain. Once we get a better base, we’ll extend “lights off.”
This year we have also opened our “Family Rink” on the east side of the building as well. It’s not a place for pucks and sticks. Please respect that. It’s a FAMILY rink. The nice thing about the Family Rink is that the security lights keep that rink well lit after hours.
Thank you and enjoy skating at Blue Quill!