Come join us for some snacks and beverages on Thursday, October 26th at 7pm at the Blue Quill Community League. All residents (homeowners and renters) of Blue Quill, Blue Quill Estates, Skyrattler, and Sweet grass are a part of our community and are welcome to join. Participants will be entered into a draw to win a free hall rental!
During the meeting the board will present community league financials, provide a recap on the prior year and present program updates. Participants can hear from our current board and community league members can vote on vacant executive positions. Come and have your say in what our league activities are for 2023-24.
The information presented at the meeting will be available on our website.
If you’re interested in joining the community league, the following positions are available:
Vice President
- preside at any meetings when the President is absent
- assume any duties from the President as required
- oversee all contracts of the League
Fundraising Director
- be charged with the general supervision of all fundraising activities at the League such as our annual volunteer work at the Casino or bottle drives
Sports Director
- be charged with the general supervision of all sports programs of the League
- be an ex-officio member of all sports committees
- prepare an annual budget and a year-end report in conjunction with each sport committee for the Annual General Meeting
Membership Director (Vacant)
- Be charged with the general supervision of the community membership of the League
- Run the membership booths at events
- Prepare a year-end report on our membership metrics for the Annual General Meeting
Garden Director (Vacant)
- Be charged with the general supervision of the community garden
- Designate community garden plots to members of the community
- Ensure maintenance is scheduled and performed
- Prepare an annual budget and a year-end report for the Annual General Meeting
Social Director (Vacant)
- Be charged with the general supervision of all social events of the League such as our annual Community League Day event
- Prepare an annual budget of the yearly events and a year-end report for the Annual General Meeting
Programs Director (Vacant)
- Be charged with the general supervision of all programs run by the League
- Find new programs to bring into the community
- Prepare a year-end report for the Annual General Meeting
Member at large (2)
- Two positions with a 1-year term and no fixed responsibilities
- An opportunity to get to know the board and help where needed
- Unlike other positions, A member at large does not have voting power on the board
If you haven’t purchased your Blue Quill Community League membership, you have the opportunity to buy your membership at this event. There will also be a chance to learn about volunteering opportunities and to tour our beautiful facility so we hope to see you there!