ice rink and expected opening
The BQCL outdoor ice is actively being prepared for the 2020/2021 winter season. We’ve got about 10 floods down and are striving to have the rink open in 2 weeks. It takes a lot of water to build up the ice!
You can always pop by and take a look, or check out our RinkCam to see what’s goin on at the court and rink cam!
no washrooms or changing area until further notice
It is not our desire, but unfortunately due to Covid-19, and in order to minimize exposure risk, BQCL will not be making changing rooms or washrooms available until further notice.
Please go to the washroom before you leave your house and come dressed for the weather!
There are benches adjacent to the ice with room for up to 6 people but here are some things to consider before coming to the rink:
- Bring a big duffle bag to put your boots/shoes into while you enjoy the ice
- Bring folding chairs in case the benches are full
- Bring a thermos for hot drinks
covid-19 guidelines
BQCL recommends adherence to Alberta Health Service Guidelines and Public Health orders.
- Info: https://www.alberta.ca/coronavirus-info-for-albertans.aspx
- Public Health Orders: https://www.alberta.ca/covid-19-orders-and-legislation.aspx
Most notably:
- Wear a Mask where required
- Physically distance yourself where applicable
Limit large gatherings - Do not share refreshments or consumables
- Wash your hands or use sanitizer frequently
skate facility use rules
- COVID-Free-skate: Activities are to be capped at how many people can safely physically distance by two meters on the ice to a maximum of 50 people.
- COVID-Shinny Hockey: A 15 person limit will be in place for shinny and other unstructured activities where two meters of physical distancing isn’t possible, and where the gathering is self-organized by League Members.
- Please buy a membership (https://bqcl.org/membership-benefits/) and bring a skate tag!
- Treat everyone with respect
- No drugs or alcohol
- Please leave when the lights go out
We appreciate your cooperation while we get through this. Let’s look forward to a more open 2021 and MOST IMPORTANTLY… Have Fun!