This weekend, the EFCL turns 100 years old! Our very own Garth Paul Ukrainetz, Poet Laureate of the Blackmud Creek has penned a poem titled ‘100 Snowy Years Ago’ to celebrate the event.
100 Snowy Years Ago
100 snowy years ago
The Federation started
Communities of Edmonton
Their noble goals imparted
To foster healthy neighborhoods
More vibrant and more giving
Where people get together
That’s the place of better living
Helpful and supportive
Planning healthy recreation
Advocating and engaging
Better city, better nation
For no matter where your castle
There’s a league for everyone
Great communities are warmer
Here in snowy Edmonton
Ⓒ2021 Garth Paul Ukrainetz
In tribute to the 100th Anniversary
of the creation of the
Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues
January 1921 – January 2021