The Casino Night is back and we need volunteers!
Last year we had to cancel our Casino Night due to the pandemic but now that the city is reopening, you can help us raise funds on September 2nd and 3rd by volunteering at Pure Casino Edmonton.
This fundraising event helps the community league continue to maintain our facilities such as the tennis and basketball courts as well as host programs like the community gardens!
There are a variety positions from Chip Runner to General Manager and the casino provides appropriate training to make them very straightforward for volunteers.
General Manager and Alternate General Manager
The General Manager is responsible for all aspects of the casino. In consultation with the games manager, the general manager shall ensure the casino is conducted in accordance with the CTCOG. An alternate general manager shall be on duty in the General Manager’s absence. The general manager duties are as follows: a) Operational Functions: i) enters the appropriate information from the licence into the CasinoTrack system; ii) ensures all volunteer staff (excluding count room staff) are in the casino facility a minimum of one (1) hour prior to casino opening; iii) ensures the count room staff are present a minimum of 15 minutes prior to scheduled start of shift; iv) ensures the names of all volunteer staff are entered into the CasinoTrack system; v) ensures designated volunteer staff is in place and have signed in at the beginning of shift and signed out at end of shift with system access cards on the CasinoTrack system; vi) witnesses interim and final pull of drop boxes; vii) may perform duties of other volunteerstaff or charity workers on a temporary basis[no longer than one (1) hour] as long as all procedures for the position are followed, e.g. assuming duties of other volunteer staff to allow them to take a break or eat a meal; viii) may fill a position that becomes vacant due to unforeseen circumstances (shall be documented on a Discrepancy Report); ix) may assign another volunteer or charity worker to fill a vacant position for the duration of the licence period; (shall be documented on a Discrepancy Report) and x) sign all Discrepancy Reports in addition to the advisor or the games manager. b) Financial Transactions: i) counts and verifies the opening cash bankroll and the opening chip inventory received from the casino facility licensee or his designate each day; ii) witnesses transfer of cash from count room supervisor to banker; iii) ensures closing cage bankroll, next day’s opening float and chips are in secure overnight storage; iv) ensures the casino facility licensee or designate provides a cheque at the end of the event for the cost of the advisor fees and concession fees; v) ensures all financial transaction entries into the CasinoTrack system are completed as required; vi) investigates fully any error, procedural irregularity or other breach of CTCOG and reports to the AGLC (see Section 5.2); vii) reports immediately to the Investigations Branch any volunteer in personal possession of casino chips; and viii) returns remaining chips to the casino facility licensee or designate and enters the information on the CasinoTrack system; ix) returns and signs, after the close of the event, to the casino facility licensee or his designate, cash equal to the opening cash bankroll received the morning of each day; and x) after the conclusion of all related tasks, all cash including the opening bankroll and the event proceeds are to be returned to the casino facility licensee. Verification of the return of this cash is to be obtained from the casino facility licensee’s designated individual. c) Security: ensures secure handling and storage of chips and cash at all times during the casino event
The banker supervises the cash cage and is directly accountable to the general manager. The banker is responsible for the cashiers and the chip runners. Specific duties of the banker are as follows: a) documents all transactions as required and ensures security of all chips and cash in cash cage; b) ensures cashiers retain personal control of chips and cash for which they are responsible while on duty; c) receives and counts opening cash bankroll and chip inventory with the general manager; d) records and maintains a running inventory of the cash bankroll and the chip inventory: e) issues opening inventory of chips to games where required; f) documents transactions as required and maintains security and control of chips/coin inventory during shift; g) supplies games with chips/coin as requested on CasinoTrack system; h) receives excess chips/coin from games as requested on CasinoTrack system; i) issues opening cash fill and subsequent cash fills to cashiers; j) obtains cash transfers from the count room supervisor as required; k) receives inventory of chips/cash from cashiers; l) counts, amalgamates and records all chips and cash in cash cage at the end of the day; m) returns remaining chips to the facility operator at the end of the day and enters information on the CasinoTrack system; n) at the end of the day, transfers cash to general manager for secure overnight storage or transfer to casino facility licensee.
The cashier duties are as follows: a) receives and counts opening cash fill from the banker; b) maintains security of the cash and chips for which he or she is responsible while on duty in the cash cage; c) redeems players’ chips for cash; d) ensures the general manager, banker or advisor witnesses all player cash‐outs over $200; e) ensures trays are put in cash drawers and the drawers are locked when leaving cash cage; f) at the end of a shift, accounts for and transfers all chips and cash for which he or she is responsible to the banker. 31.2 The cashier must not: a) sell chips; b) exchange U.S. currency for chips or cash; and c) exchange traveller’s cheques for chips or cash.
Chip Runner
The chip runner duties are as follows: a) participates in games opening and closing with gaming table personnel; b) transfers fills from the banker to games and credits from games to banker; c) verifies the accuracy of these transactions; d) at final close of games each day, witnesses chip count and verifies on the CasinoTrack system; and e) may assist the general manager during pull of drop boxes
Count Room Supervisor
The count room supervisor is directly accountable to the general manager for the supervision of count room procedures and count room staff. The count room supervisor shall document all transactions as required and ensure security of all cash and chips in the count room. Specific duties of the count room supervisor are as follows: a) ensures count room is secured; b) records the number of bills, coins and chips (if any) counted by the amalgamator, on the CasinoTrack system; c) verifies the information entered by the recorder; d) supplies cash to banker as required; e) ensures the rake boxes are counted first and chips are transferred to banker before continuing the count; f) prepares float and bank deposits; and g) generates Master Revenue Report and Count Room Drop Box Verification on CasinoTrack system
The duties of the sorter are as follows: a) empties the contents of the drop box and shows open box to camera to ensure it is empty; b) sorts cash or chips into denominations and places into money bin with a “Box ID Card” and passes bin to counter; c) witnesses count by counter; and d) at final close of games may witness table chip count, if required
The duties of the counter are as follows: a) counts the contents of the money bin using money counting machine; b) places contents of drop box back into the money bin along with the “Box ID Card” and passes bin to the amalgamator; and c) assists sorting of chips and cash as needed.
The duties of the recorder are as follows: a) enters the table number from the “Box ID card” into the CasinoTrack system; and b) enters the number of bills, coins and chips (if any) counted by the counter into the Casino Track system
37.1 The duties of the amalgamator are as follows: a) receives cash or chips from counter in money bin; b) verifies all bills are of the same denomination; c) uses a counting machine to verify contents of the money bin and advises count room supervisor of the amount by denomination; and d) amalgamates all cash or chips in the count room by denomination into bundles of one hundred after receiving confirmation from the count room supervisor that the totals from both counts match.
Additional information can be found at the AGLC website.
If this is something that you’re interested in please contact bqcladmin@bqcl.org to sign up today!